About Us



LINGUANA Specialized Translation Research Club runs by the Center for Translation Studies in the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Gdańsk, supervised by dr Maciej Kur. It has formally started in October 2005, supervised by dr hab. Łucja Biel, although it has been running informally since 2004. The goal of the members of LINGUANA is a deep study of specialized translation. Up until 2016, we have been focusing on legal translation, but since then our focus has shifted to localization (though it is not our only target).

Besides regular workshop-style meetings, our Club issues a Journal that enjoys great popularity. We also engage in many activities that promote the Center and have taken part in the AKADEMIA Fairs, Career Days and Open Days. We also help to organize conferences at the Faculty regularly. We dream big; from creating a series of annual translation conferences, to getting involved in increasingly more serious translation projects. In our Club, we divide tasks in such a way as to get every member involved. We help each other; old troupers support the newcomers in their daily struggle.

We would gladly work together with companies that need translations. We are especially interested in localization, but we value every single experience.

LINGUANA is a place for anyone who is interested in specialized translation, has a lot of energy and ideas, and a quirky sense of humor. Welcome, the Lizard doesn’t bite! 😀